Blogger Template by Blogcrowds

Many web-savvy professionals are using Web 2.0 technologies to re-connect and strengthen their network. But, whether used for personal or professional purposes, readers’ time is valuable, and publishers should strive to be relevant and interesting, and post with intent.

Many of my Facebook friends update me when they are off to the grocery store (which would be relevant if they were a personal chef, or a consultant to shoppers). With blogs, and social networking sites like Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter, you're building your social reputation, so you want to consider the purpose of your posts prior to hitting the SEND button.

As a general goal, you want to engage your audience and initiate conversations. Fortunately, your posts don’t necessarily need to be strictly business-oriented. Remember, people tend to do business with (or recommend) people they find likable. So, if your online posts make reference to your hobbies or interests, this can still positively impact your social reputation. However, ‘tweeting’ about the everyday details of your life can make you appear boring (which would be relevant if you are Harvey Pekar, author of American Splendor). In most cases, you can’t build an engaged following by posting the mundane.

When used strategically, social networking can help to nurture your relationships and leverage these relationships for business intelligence and business development. These technologies also provide a venue to demonstrate your value and build awareness about your brand, as well as contribute to your SEO efforts. Use your online posts to add value to your relationships by posting purposefully.

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