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New Job, New Fare.

I've landed a new job as Business Development Manager at Transmyt Marketing, an agency in Brookline, MA that specializes in interactive marketing. The office is located in Coolidge Corner, and I have been especially excited with the food-finds over the past week (yet, not so impressed with the E Line).


New Job, Day 1:
The Upper Crust Pizza! O.M.G. Please raise your hand if you're as enthusiastic about Upper Crust as I am. The slice of the day was Chicken Broccoli and Feta in the traditional Upper Crust Napoleon style. It was like a gift from the gods that I savored while trying to arrange all the day's buzzwords in my head—sticky features, self-contained music player, interactive events calendar, favcon, retweet, micro-blogs. In the spirit of the day, I immediately came back to the office and became a Fan of Upper Crust on Facebook.

New Job, Day 2: Zenna Noodle Bar. A beacon of light on Beacon Street. I walked out of the building thinking distinctively that I wanted Pho noodles (even though it was 90 degrees). And, as if I had willed it, I blindly turned right and walked one block to find their Zenna Noodle Soup, which "is inspired by the popular Vietnamese "pho", but filled with organic veggies and meats." Oh yes, and it was served with an accompaniment of House Hoisin and Zesty Zenna Chili Sauces, which I used liberally. Zen!

New Job, Day 3: Michael's Delicatessen. I wandered around exploring and found this champion! They are positioned as a New York style deli, and the towering Turkey Reuben and accompanying pickle were first class. Good Deli's are hard to find in Boston, and I have one across the street!

New Job, Day 4:
Back to Upper Crust! I had the Slice of the Day: caramelized onions, garlic and diced tomato. I found out that they have a 'Buy Ten Slices, Get One Free" promotion. I'm totally on that.

And finally, Day 5: The Paris Creperie. So, this was my first crepe. I never knew that they were offered in flavors other than the sweet, breakfast variety. I had the Mediterranean, tarragon infused with Gruyere, Turkey, Mushrooms, Tomato, Olives, and Spinach. I'm a fan. They also have something on the menu that I didn't try by I've been fixating on: a Nutella Frozen Hot Chocolate! Maybe today.

No, I will not blog weekly about my consumption.

I just wanted to share my enthusiasm for the variety of which surrounds me. Also, there is a lot of new information to glean in order to become the most effective business developer ever, and it's crucial that I am well-nourished to keep my energy up and stay focused.

So far I've gleaned: Transmyt assists companies who want to embrace newer media platforms like blogs, social media, interactive web sites, with a focus on drive-to-web results and opening dialogue. Perhaps a discussion about your strategic marketing plan can be schedule over lunch!

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